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Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling
Tom & Jerry Terror Tales (Graphic Novel)
Gladys Aylward The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet & Geoff Benge
George Muller The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans by Janet & Geoff Benge
Ash Road by Ivan Southall (Australia Book of the Year)
Marvel Mega Battke Files Book Set x 5
Scarlet & Ivy The Lost Twin by Sophie Cleverly
The Questing Knights of the Faerie Queen by Geraldine McCaughrean
God’s Promise to the Chinese by Ethel R Nelson, Richard E Broadberry & Ginger To
Wilbur and Orville Wright by Augusta Stevenson
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas (Easy to Read)
In The Can by Christopher Stitt Level 30+ (Thomson Nelson Chill Out)
Goose Head by Wendy Graham Level 30+ (Thomson Nelson Chill Out)
Zit Face by Chris Bell Level 30+ (Thomson Nelson Chill Out)
The Chilling Voice by Michael Dugan Level 30+ (Thomson Nelson Chill Out)
The Room with Five Doors and Other Stories by Michael Dugan (Macmillan)
The Fire Curse abd Other Stories by Michael Dugan (Macmillan) 1st Edition
Away from Home Short Stories by Michael Dugan (Macmillan)
A Dream of Seas by Lilith Norman (Macmillan)
Pitch Black by Janeen Brian Level 30+ (Thomson Nelson Chill Out)