The Educational Warehouse
How We Started
The Educational Warehouse started out as our children's home-schooling project. We were offered by a retired teacher, 28-year collection of workbooks and teacher manual but this was far too much for us to use. Therefore, we decided to set up a mock business for our children to learn from by sell these second-hand resources back to home-schooling families. The children learnt about many aspects about running this little business by using their Maths skills to work out profit and loss, English skills to write descriptions for each product, Social Skills to communicate with clients, promotional skill to get new clients and make sales as well as many other skills to keep it all running. But we quickly ran out of stock, so they had to source more, and we found out very quickly that there were many families looking for these resources. After three years we decided registered the business, started to import curriculum from the USA and research Australia suppliers to create a selection of different resource that home schoolers were looking for. We also started to see that classroom resource were sold in classroom size packs and this was far too much for one home-schooling families to use in their school rooms. We started breaking these up so that families could have access to these resource at reasonable prices. We now have over 10,000+ new & used lines but this is increasing all the time as we are looking for new resource that we know home schoolers can use in teaching. We also have some very pre-owned hard to get Living, Classical or Newbery Horor readers as well a large collection of levelled readers that children need to learn to read.
In 2016, my husbane become very ill due to a stoke and then cancer the following year, he no longer can work as a licensed plumber. We had no choice by to turn this little business is our sole income. I truly think we were blessed to have this income, or we would not have survived through his illness. I love this business as I have gotten to know many home-schooling mums, dads and families and many who are first time home schoolers who are lost in which curriculum to use or how to start. I welcome anyone who needs help to please call me on 0410 711 313 as I know how it feels to be just starting out. I would love to share my knowledge and help any family to start their journey in to home-schooling.
In 2021, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy, and this has been a big adjustment for me as never been sick like this before. I am very thankful my partner is recovered enough to help me with the business now. It is very much a team effort for us and glad we love being together.
A Little Bit About Me
My name is Neralea, and my real passion is language and literacy. I am dyslexic and so is my son, but it was me who taught him to read and spell. This was why we home-schooled as mainstream simply was not working for my son. He didn't fit the round hole they were trying to fit him in as he wasn't round by a square who need to be taught a different way. In teaching my son, I gave him all the rules and tricks of the English language which gave him a better understand of how this language worked rather than teaching sounds. Teaching sound simply would not work for him as he had issues with hearing the sounds in the language (auto-processing disorder). My sons’ journey to learn to read and spell took many hours as we had to revisit many concepts as his working memory would not retain the information. Today my son is 23 years old and can fluently read and is a good at spelling (this was the biggest struggle for him to encode - spelling). But not only did this help my son but it also helped me too as I am now a better speller and reader since teaching him. I was never taught the whole language and it would have been so much easier if I has this as I would have had a better understanding how things went together.
This is why we started to import All About Learning (Reading & Spelling) as both programs gives children all the rules, tricks and understanding of how this language works. The programs are not only great for children who are struggling to read and spell but can be used for any child. As you probably can see by these few words, that I have a huge knowledge in this area and again will away have time to spend talking to families who need help in this area. Many children struggle to read and spell which can be a huge stress for families not knowing what to do or where to go as I too have been there with my son.
My husband and I have been together for 32 years and have two children aged 23 and 21 (both still at home - well one left only to return!) and one little dog call Neo. I. We live on the Gold Coast and enjoy many afternoons on our deck which has views of the coastline, having a cuppa with friends and family. We home-schooled both our children through to year 12 and we enjoyed every bit of it (well not the days it all went horrible -we all have these). Both our children working hard to save a deposit for a house together and as well travel money to go travelling to Japan. What I take away for this experience is we are a very close family, that values each other, and I put this down to the years we home-schooled. We had to become a team, or it would not have worked. Our team learnt to support each other and be tolerate of the things that each of us were different. Homeschooling is not for everyone but for some it can be a life changer.
Lastest Update
As December 2022, we opened a shop that is located on the Gold Coast, so we are not only just an online business. And it's fairly large shop (more a mini warehouse) that is located on the ground level of our home so you will need to book in for an appointment as we need to follow Council requirements being a home-based business. It took around 10 months' work to get the area enclosed and fitted out, but we had our Grand Opening on the 26th of November with 30 homeschool families attend. What great fun it was to see some old face but new ones to community. This now gives me a wonderful workspace each day to fill order, see clients in and stock great resources. So, if you live local or planning a holiday on the Gold Coast book an appointment (Click Here)
Busness hours 10:00 - 4:00 Mon-Fri
Ph: 0410711313
"Make today be so awesome, yesterday gets jealous"
Our Promise:
High Quality Educational Products.
The Educational Warehouse specialises in resources for primary and secondary grades for classrooms and the homeschooling environment. We carry a range of second-hand resources on a wide variety of subjects that we continue to keep adding to each day. With our used resources we don't sell anything that we would not use ourselves, and list condition as the following:
Brand New: Not used at all.
Like New: Used with no visible marks inside or out.
Very Good Condition: Used with visible marks on either cover, bent corners, or some pencil marks within the book up to 4 pages.
Good Condition: Number of faults like loose pages, crease marks on cover or pages, bent corners, pen marks on pages, spine loose but still intack.
Well Used Condition: Many faults within the structure of the book's spine very loose, missing pages, scribble through the book, lost cover, dirty pages.